Uova al Forno con Pomodori is one of those things that doesn't quite look as good as it should in photos and doesn't quite sound as good in English. Baked Eggs with Tomatoes, loses something- right? But should you venture forth you will be rewarded with soft set whites and rich velvety yolks offset by zesty vibrant tomatoes and somehow brought together perfectly with sharp and nutty Grana Padano. My
kids family love to spead it on fresh baguettes sopping up every last bit. Best of all it's easy- and trust me smells fantastic. So if these pictures, or the English translation haven't won you over try them just once and you may say to quote my friend Dr. Seuss: "I do so like them . . . Sam-I-Am!"
In an 8x8 or 9x9 baking dish combine 14oz diced tomatoes with one clove crushed garlic, 1 heaping teaspoon each basil and oregano, and if you like a dash of crushed red pepper. Place in a 375 degree oven for 5-10 minutes.

Break 4-8 eggs onto tomatoes and then place back into the oven for about 10 minutes until the whites and yolks are barely set.
While baking grate Grana Padano or Parmigiano Reggiano to make about 1 1/2 loosely packed cups. Slice your baguette(s) and then top the eggs with most of the cheese to cover lightly and then place back in the oven for 2-3 additional minutes.
Serve the eggs immediately with the slices of bread and top with cracked black pepper if you like, but most of all enjoy! I recommend slicing a lot of bread and placing it in a bowl in the center of the table- I promise all the bread will go. You can toast the bread if you like, but my family loves it soft to mop up all the delicious sauce.